Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I have finally started doing something that I have wanted to do for a while, blog. I am not sure if I will be any good at it or not, but I will try. The only thing that concerns me now is what to blog about. So as i kick this thing off, bear with me and maybe we will have some fun together.
Randy Wilson


The Wilsons said...

Nice start. You will be a great blogger, Randy! Love you. Sarah (your forever favorite daughter in law.)

willow said...

today is 8 may 2008... so far i like your blog but i don't get why your not adding topics more often.

just from what i've seen, you have the VBS, the 4 x 4, the wednesday night Bible study, taking the kids to Amarillo. that is really alot of info. I know i would like to read your words about all those things and more.

Mike Haney said...

Hi Randy,

I can't wait to see what great adventures are coming your way.

Your friend and brother.

Mike Haney

ps. This is the first time I have ever looked at a blogg. I think I'll start one. ; ) Look me up!