Thursday, February 3, 2011


What is your first reaction when you think about mixing religions? What would you say if I said there are some who are mixing Christianity and Islam? They are calling it Chrislam!
According to a recent blog post from The Last Crusade, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston, along with other congregations in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit, preached sermons and held Sunday school lessons on the founder of Islam, Mohammad, whom Muslims consider a prophet. Qurans were also placed in the pews next to Bibles.

Proponents of the movement, which has been dubbed "Chrislam," claim that Christians cannot love their neighbors without having a relationship with them.

A question, why is America running to embrace the very religion that attacked us on 9/11? With all of the violence in Egypt being caused by Muslims, and if these people take over we will lose an ally, if the wrong people (Hezbollah) are in control of Egypt, Israel will be in ever more danger. So why are so many Americans embracing it? The simple answer is that Christians have not shown Christ the way we should!

So should we mix Christianity and Islam? Chrislam?
Jesus said in Matthew 6:24, "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other." (ESV)

We cannot serve Jesus and Mohammad, we cannot place them on the same level, Jesus is Lord!!! The Bible and the Quran on the same level, the Holy Bible is God's Holy Word!!! We cannot mix Christianity with any other religion, Christianity stands on its own, to mix it takes away from what we stand on. Paul faced the same thing in his day with people who were trying to say that you needed Jesus plus.... in order to really be saved. But Jesus said "IT IS FINISHED!!!" Nough said.

Join us this Sunday as we begin to take a look at the book of Galatians. See you at 10:45am.

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